Updated - Homeschooling - Getting Started


Getting started homeschooling - I remember when I was first getting started.  I was overwhelmed, confused, tired, second guessing myself, anxious and excited - so many emotions for just one decision.  I had a 2nd grader, Kindergartener, preschooler and would soon have two non English speaking newly adopted children to add to the mix. What I would say to a mom just getting started homeschooling - is - don't panic!  You know what is best for your kids and what each child needs.  

In the early years - they don't need much.  Play is often their form of learning in preschool.  They learn colors, shapes, letters, numbers - the very basics.  Some children learn to read very simple words - but certainly not most children.  

I would also encourge you to join a play group or support group with other homeschool moms.  If your children are preschool age or younger - it would be too soon to join a co-op.  However, if you have elementary age children or older - a co-op is a great option!  It provides social interaction for both you and your kids.  They will often also offer art and science classes - the messy stuff that we desperately want to do with our children - but find it hard to find the time, gather materials and - let's not forget that it is usually quite messy.  

I would also stress this to you - Don't compare yourself!  Each child, each family, each circumstance is different - just because little Suzie is adding and Billy is in three sports by no means indicates that you need to be doing anything different than you already are!

Last, but certainly, not least - spend time with your kids - make this as memorable and fun as possible.  We homeschool for many reasons - but a big one is so that we can be the ones to mold their character - so take advantage of the time you have.

Now as far as curriculum goes - here are a few things I would recommend - 

  • Check out "Favorite Curriculum" "Our Picks" on this site.  You will see some of the great things we used as a family - broken down by age group.
  • Curriculum can take up alot of precious shelf space and can get expensive.  Digital curriculum is always a good option.
  • Don't forget to check out the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale.  Fantastic variety of things to choose from. Maybe have your kids pick out some too - prices can't be beat!





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