
Guiding Your Teenager through the Transformative Years: A Journey of Listening, Coaching, and Empowerment


As a mom who has navigated the tumultuous years of raising teenagers, I understand the unique challenges and incredible growth opportunities that come with this phase of parenting. The ages of 14-17 mark a crucial period of self-discovery, independence, and decision-making for your teenager. In this blog post, I'll share my experiences, insights, and strategies for guiding your teenager through these transformative years with empathy, understanding, and a focus on open communication.


1. Embrace Open Communication:

During the teenage years, it's essential to create an environment where your teenager feels comfortable expressing their thoughts, emotions, and concerns. Listen actively and attentively to their words, showing empathy and understanding. Encourage them to share their dreams, goals, and challenges, while assuring them that you are there to support and guide them.


2. Focus on Coaching and Guiding:

Instead of imposing your opinions and solutions, adopt a coaching approach. Help your teenager explore different perspectives, consider consequences, and make informed decisions. Guide them through problem-solving, allowing them to take ownership of their choices. Encourage critical thinking and independence while offering your wisdom and guidance when needed.


3. Understand Their Struggles:

Teenagers face numerous challenges, such as peer pressure, identity formation, academic stress, and hormonal changes. Acknowledge and validate their feelings and experiences. Be patient and understanding during emotional outbursts or moments of rebellion. Remember that these struggles are a part of their journey toward adulthood, and your support and understanding will make a significant difference.


4. Overcoming Difficulties Together:

Throughout the teenage years, you may encounter various difficulties and conflicts. Approach these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Be open to compromise and negotiation, allowing your teenager to take responsibility for their actions and learn from their mistakes. Foster resilience and problem-solving skills by working through obstacles together.


5. Encourage Independence and Responsibility:

Teenagers crave independence and a sense of agency in their lives. Encourage them to take on responsibilities, such as managing their schedules, completing chores, and making age-appropriate decisions. Provide opportunities for them to develop skills in time management, budgeting, and self-care, nurturing their sense of responsibility and self-reliance.


Navigating the teenage years requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt as a parent. By prioritizing open communication, coaching, and empathy, you can guide your teenager through this transformative phase of their life. Remember that listening is often more important than talking, and empowering them to make their own choices will foster their growth and self-confidence. Embrace the challenges, celebrate their achievements, and continue to be a loving and supportive presence in their lives. Together, you and your teenager will navigate this exciting journey towards adulthood.



Embracing the Power of Digital Curriculum: Transforming Homeschool Education


Today, I want to share with you the exciting world of digital curriculum and how it can revolutionize your homeschooling experience. As technology continues to shape the way we live and learn, embracing digital resources can unlock a wealth of benefits for both you and your children. So, let's dive in and explore the incredible advantages of incorporating a digital curriculum into your homeschooling journey.


Benefits of Digital Curriculum:


1. Expansive and Engaging Content:

   - Access to a vast array of resources, including interactive videos, simulations, and multimedia presentations.

   - Engaging content that sparks curiosity, enhances comprehension and fosters a love for learning.

   - Diverse subjects and topics that cater to different learning styles and interests, ensuring a well-rounded education.

   - Often times more affordable than physical books. Visit the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale for exceptional prices for a limited time.


2. Flexibility and Customization:

   - Tailor the learning experience to meet the unique needs and pace of each child.

   - Adapt lessons and assignments to align with individual strengths and areas for improvement.

   - Create a personalized learning path that nurtures your child's passions and talents.


3. Real-Time Feedback and Assessment:

   - Instant feedback on assignments and assessments, allowing for timely intervention and progress monitoring.

   - Detailed performance tracking and analytics to identify areas of strength and areas that require additional focus.

   - Enhanced opportunities for self-reflection and growth as students actively engage with their own learning outcomes.


4. Interactive and Collaborative Learning:

   - Interactive features, such as discussion boards, virtual labs, and collaborative projects, promote active participation and peer-to-peer learning.

   - Facilitate connections with other homeschooling families or online communities, fostering social interaction and a sense of belonging.

   - Develop essential 21st-century skills, such as communication, collaboration, and digital literacy.


5. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere:

   - Freedom to learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere, without being limited to a physical classroom.

   - Ideal for families with busy schedules, allowing for flexibility and accommodating various learning environments.

   - Take advantage of digital resources and curriculum options that may not be readily available locally.

   - Print only what you want to.  Takes up less storage space in your home.  Print multiple copies for multiple children for one price instead of buying several workbooks.


By embracing the power of digital curriculum, you open the door to a world of exciting possibilities for your homeschooling journey. The expansive content, flexibility, real-time feedback, interactive learning, and accessibility provided by digital resources can transform education into a dynamic and engaging experience for both you and your children. So, dive in, explore the vast digital landscape, and unlock the potential for endless growth and discovery. Embrace the digital revolution and let it empower you in shaping a bright and inspiring future for your homeschooling adventure!


Happy homeschooling with the power of digital curriculum!



Homeschooling Made Simple Lesson Planning: A Comprehensive Guide for Families


Are you intimidated or overwhelmed with the idea of lesson planning?  Do you procrastinate the preparation because you just don't know where to begin?  I understand that designing a weekly lesson plan for your children can seem daunting at first. However, with a little organization and creativity, you can create a structured and engaging learning experience for your kids. In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of creating an easy-to-follow weekly lesson plan using calendars, whiteboards, and other organizational tactics. Let's tackle this journey together and empower you to become an effective homeschooling teacher!

1. Choose Your Planning Tools:

- Select a physical calendar, a digital planner, or a homeschooling-specific planning tool. Find the one that best suits your preferences and needs.  For a limited time you can find great deals on planners and other helpful tools here.

- Invest in a whiteboard or a large wall calendar to display the weekly lesson plan visibly in your homeschooling area.

2. Determine Your Schedule:

- Decide on the days and hours you plan to dedicate to homeschooling. Consider your family's routine, including meal times, breaks, and extracurricular activities.

- Allocate specific time slots for each subject, ensuring a balanced approach to learning.

3. Identify Key Subjects and Topics:

- Make a list of the core subjects you want to cover each week, such as Math, English, Science, History, and any additional subjects of interest.  Remember - often times you will find already prepared lesson plans in the teacher guide for you.

- Break down each subject into topics or chapters that align with your curriculum or learning goals.

4. Map Out the Weekly Plan:

- Start by filling in your calendar or planner with the subjects you'll cover each day, ensuring a variety throughout the week.

- Assign specific topics or chapters to each subject, maintaining a realistic pace that allows for comprehension and engagement.

- Take the number of lessons in the curriculum and divide it by the number of weeks you intend to do school - this will tell you how many times a week you need to do a lesson for that particular subject.  Some curriculum is meant for 5 days a week, some might be only 3 days a week - others are only meant for a semester.  You have flexibility.

5. Incorporate Interactive Activities:

- Enhance the learning experience by incorporating hands-on activities, experiments, field trips, or educational games.

- Schedule these activities on specific days, making the week exciting and dynamic for your children.

6. Include Breaks and Flexibility:

- Schedule regular breaks to allow your children to recharge and transition between subjects. Use these breaks for physical activity, relaxation, or creative pursuits.

- Remember to be flexible. If a topic takes longer than expected or your child shows a particular interest, adjust your plan accordingly.

7. Set Goals and Objectives:

- Define clear learning goals and objectives for each subject and topic. Consider what you want your children to achieve by the end of the week.

- Break down the goals into smaller milestones or learning targets, making it easier to track progress and celebrate achievements.

8. Utilize Visual Aids:

- Incorporate visual aids such as charts, diagrams, or posters to support learning and engage your children visually.

- Display these aids in your homeschooling area or on the whiteboard to serve as a visual reminder of the week's lessons.

9. Reflect and Adjust:

- At the end of each week, take time to reflect on the effectiveness of your lesson plan. Assess what worked well and what could be improved.

- Use this feedback to make adjustments to future lesson plans, tailoring them to your children's learning styles and interests.

Remember, creating an easy-to-follow weekly lesson plan sets the foundation for a successful homeschooling journey. By choosing the right planning tools, determining your schedule, identifying key subjects and topics, mapping out the plan, incorporating interactive activities, including breaks and flexibility, setting goals and objectives, utilizing visual aids, and reflecting on your plan, you can provide a structured and engaging learning experience for your children. Embrace this incredible opportunity to inspire their curiosity and love for learning. Also - the plan can (and will) change - but you have to start with a plan. You've got this, homeschooling moms!



Homeschooling Made Simple: A Comprehensive Guide for Families


Beginning the homeschooling journey is an extraordinary opportunity to shape your child's education and foster a love for learning. As a seasoned teacher and homeschooling advocate, I understand the excitement, challenges, and uncertainties that come with this new chapter. In this blog post, I'm thrilled to combine my expertise and provide a comprehensive guide that covers everything from getting started to age-specific advice. Let's dive into the world of homeschooling together, with warmth, support, and practical guidance.


Getting Started:

1. Determine your educational philosophy: Reflect on your values, goals, and beliefs about education to guide your homeschooling approach. Consider your child's learning style and interests as well.

2. Research legal requirements: Familiarize yourself with the homeschooling laws and regulations in your state or country. Understand any reporting or documentation requirements.

3. Set clear goals and expectations: Define your educational objectives and communicate them with your child. Establish realistic expectations and create a positive learning environment.


Preschool and Elementary School: For a limited time find amazing deals on curriculum up to 90% off at the Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale.

1. Establish a designated learning space: Create an inviting area where your child can engage in activities comfortably. This space should have materials, supplies, and a cozy reading corner.

2. Embrace play-based learning: Engage your child in hands-on activities, sensory play, and imaginative play to foster their natural curiosity and creativity.

3. Introduce core subjects: Focus on foundational skills such as early literacy, numeracy, science, and social studies. Incorporate read-aloud, storytelling, and fun math games into your routine.


Middle School and High School:

1. Tailor curriculum to individual needs: Customize your curriculum based on your child's strengths, interests, and goals. Consider online courses, dual enrollment, and community programs to enhance learning opportunities.

2. Encourage independent learning: Foster self-directed research, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Support your teenager in exploring potential career paths, college preparation, and developing organizational skills.

3. Document progress and milestones: Keep track of your child's progress, courses, grades, and extracurricular activities. Maintain a comprehensive transcript for high school years to support college applications, if desired.


Tips for Homeschooling Success:

1. Create a daily schedule: Establish a routine that balances learning time, breaks, meals, and physical activities. Flexibility is key, allowing room for spontaneity and individualized learning.

2. Utilize available resources: Explore libraries, educational websites, online platforms, and homeschooling communities for a wealth of curriculum options, lesson plans, and support networks.

3. Embrace the joy of learning: Foster a love for reading by setting aside dedicated time for reading and discussing books. Encourage curiosity, hands-on experiments, and real-world applications of knowledge.


You have taken on a remarkable role in shaping your child's education and fostering their growth. Remember to be patient, flexible, and adaptable to meet the evolving needs of your child. With love, dedication, and support, you can create an engaging and nurturing homeschooling environment that celebrates each child's unique journey.


Embrace the adventure, stay connected with other homeschooling families, and seek support and inspiration when needed. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. You are empowering your child to become a lifelong learner and shaping their future.


Starting Homeschool - High School

Homeschooling High School was my favorite time.  I love how my kids all got interested in different things.  I thoroughly enjoyed teaching co-op classes and hosting events.  I value the time with my teens and their friends.

Below are links for the curriculum we used.  Keep in mind that homeschooling high school can look very different from what you have been doing - you can include text books, online classes - both for college credit and other, dual enrollment at the local community college, co-op classes, part time at your local high school - and so much more.  

I now have one teen graduated, three teens enrolled in dual enrollment and one teen who has a certificate of completion (due to learning and other disabilities)

Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale

Starting Homeschool - Junior High

The middle school years are a tough transition for all.  It is also an amazing time of discovery and independence.  Below are links of curriculum that did or didn't work for us.



Don't forget to check out the Homeschool Resources Sale for more unique curriculum to peak your student's interest.



Starting Homeschool - Elementary Years

Homeschooling the elementary years can be a struggle.  The need to supplement certain subjects, find motivation to push through others and make room for fun and memory making are all important things to consider - but don't let it overwhelm you.  Engage your kids in helping you choose things.  Often student led learning is the most rewarding.

Below are links to curriculums we used during those years.


Below are things you might find helpful as well

Homeschool Elementary Workbooks

Homeschool Elementary School Supplies

Homeschool Elementary Manipulatives for Math and other things

Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale




Starting Homeschool - 1st Grade

Here is a link to the different things we used for our 1st graders.  Below are links to resources and things you might like to try.

The funny thing, as I read through past posts of curriculum we used - I see that I had a really hard time using unit studies - but a few more years down the road and I ended up writing and publishing several!  We bend and move to what works best for us each year.

1st Grade Arts and Crafts

1st Grade Homeschool

1st Grade Supplies

1st Grade Games and Activities

Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale



Starting Homeschool - Kindergarten

Starting to homeschool can be overwhelming.  You don't want to do the wrong thing.  You might feel all this pressure on you that their education is all up to you.  While it is easy to see why you would feel that way - the early years are for developing a love of learning more than learning academics.

Here are links to what we used in kindergarten for our kids.  Below are items you may find helpful.

Learning Games and Activities - there are a few for preschool in here too.

Kindergarten Homeschool - great resources here

Kindergarten Workbooks and Learning

Kindergarten supplies


Kindergarten arts and crafts

Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale

Starting Homeschool - Preschool

I know many of you have been thrown into homeschooling.  Some of you may have been considering it already, while others of you never gave it a thought.

This doesn't have to be painful.  The early years, although challenging at times on their own, can be a wonderful time to bond through play and learning.  

Below are some of the things you might use.  Here is a blog post of the curriculum we used during the early years.  

Workbooks, Crafts, Scissor skills, and mores.

Chore Charts, Manipulatives and other supplies.

Preschool Arts and Crafts 

Preschool Learning Games and Activities

Homeschool Resources Bundle Sale


Links are affiliate links.